Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I made it into a Treasury!

Check it out - the Laura necklace made it into an Etsy Treasury! This is the first Treasury I've ever been in. Inclusion in the treasuries is great because the powers-that-be from Etsy often pick out items from them to be featured on the front page.

This one is a CREST Treasury titled Crumbs on the Forest Floor, and it will expire at 6:31 am on Saturday, December 6, so take a look while you can. And make sure to check out the other cool items in the Treasury by fellow members of the CREST team!


Zuzana said...

Congratulations, this is awesome! But I am not surprised; I told you that I love your work and you are very talented.:)

Hazel Designs said...

Aww, thanks Protege! You don't know how much that means to me :)