Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A helping hand

The typhoon that struck Manila, Philippines over the weekend caused unspeakable devastation, damage, and loss of life. The scariest part is that this disaster hit close to home, as "ground zero" of the flooding was in my old hometown of Marikina. I shudder to think what my childhood home looks like in the aftermath. Worse, though, is that I have family that were affected, including a cousin I'm close to who had to evacuate her house (including her two little girls) by boat. The pictures and stories coming from there are horrible and tragic. And even worse, another typhoon is being tracked and is predicted to make landfall on Saturday, potentially worsening the situation into a full-fledged humanitarian crisis.

I'm appealing to all to extend a helping hand to the Filipinos who lost so much during this disaster. Many are without food or clean drinking water. If you are able to help in any way, for any amount, it would go a long way towards alleviating the suffering experienced by the victims of this disaster. Donations can be made either through Catholic Relief Services here or the Philippine National Red Cross here, which has made arrangements to enable overseas donors to donate safely via PayPal. The Philippine Red Cross is part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Much thanks for your generosity on behalf of the victims of Typhoon Ketsana ("Ondoy").


Zuzana said...

Ah, sorry to hear that this hit so close to home for you. I am so sad every time I see the images from the typhoon aftermath and now also tsunami and earthquake. It is indeed terrible...

Hazel Designs said...

Thanks, Protege. It was very scary in that part of the world weather-wise for a bit there...