Sunday, February 1, 2009


The weather is playing with my mind. Today was sunny and in the 60s, definitely more like early April than the beginning of February. My spring fever is even worse now that I've had a taste of April (damn you, weather!). We're supposed to get another kind of winter storm next week, too.

Well, here you are - the Rosemary earrings. Pink and sparkly, and very girly.


Zuzana said...

Lovely earrings!
How can you have a snowstorm one day and then in the 60's the next?;)

Here no spring in site, and will not be until late April, at the best.;))

I gave you an award at my place, come and get.;))

Highmaintenancemom said...

We were in the 30's here yesterday & I was excited....that's so sad!