Monday, April 20, 2009

A Monday circus

Today was definitely a Monday morning, no question about it. First, I woke up to rain and gray skies. While feeding the cats, I forgot to close the pantry door all the way, which meant Nomad and Moxie managed to get into their bag of kibble and go to town on it. When I came back downstairs half an hour later they were both smacking their lips and looking at me guiltily. By then I was running late so I couldn't give them a proper scolding. After many false starts, I managed to get myself out the door and at the train station, where I found out that my train was going to be a whole hour late due to a disabled circus train blocking the tracks down south somewhere. A circus train, you say? That's right - a circus train. Somehow the idea of a circus train on what was turning out to be a circus of a Monday was poetic irony. But it's not over yet. I then slog back to my car in the worsening rain, race over to the other train station (which is on a different line) hoping that I could catch the last train there, risk life and limb by sprinting up and then down the numerous staircases, and managing to get on board that train in the nick of time, hyperventilating all the while. Needless to say, I was exhausted and ready for a nap by the time I finally made it in to work.


Zuzana said...

Aw, sorry dear for such a bad Monday; isn't it funny how some days just go wrong already from the morning? I have my share of those too. But not to worry, that means that you are in for a really good day very soon;))

Highmaintenancemom said...

The point where I find out the train will be an hour late , is the point where I call in sick to work!

Hazel Designs said...

Protege, the week did improve, so that's good :)

Hazel Designs said...

HMM, I know, I totally should have!