Monday, December 29, 2008

Guess what arrived

My Twilight necklace from 2dy4, in the mail, a few weeks ago. I love! I wore it to my work Christmas party and everyone wanted to know what it meant, and who Edward was. So of course I told them. Ad nauseum. In minute detail.


Zuzana said...

You really are a Twilight fan, aren't you Hazel.;)
I love your passion for the Twilight.;)
The only Twilight I love to bits is a tune from ELO; now that ruled some 20 years ago and still does.;)

Karmela said...

Awww, poor thing. I hope your co-workers didn't hurt your feelings too much with all the guffawing you must have heard after you told them what "Team Edward" really meant.

Highmaintenancemom said...

hehehehe....I do have to say i'm excited to get the 2nd one & read it.

Hobbs Adventure said...

Hahah I heart that! I'm getting some peeps together to go watch Twilight one more time before it leaves the theater.

Hazel Designs said...

Protege, who is ELO??

Hazel Designs said...

K, as a matter of fact, they were VERY interested, and one of my coworkers admitted she saw it and loved it! HA!

Hazel Designs said...

I have turned HMM into the dark side! Muwahahahaha!

Hazel Designs said...

Les, ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Zuzana said...

ELO= Electric Light Orchestra.;))
They had a hit in the 80' (among MANY) called Twilight.;)
See this: